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Coaching Tool For Home Remodellers

Home Remodelers
Sell 2X more with AI sales coaching.

Boost your home remodeling sales with AI-powered coaching from Sales Ask AI.

Pinpointing where reps lost deals was a game-changer. We replicated our top performer’s closing techniques on home additions and saw immediate improvement. "

Nick Karrandjas
Sales Lead

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Companies Trust Sales Ask
Streamline Your Sales Process

Why Home Remodeling Companies Choose Sales Ask AI

Home remodeling sales involve intricate client interactions and detailed project discussions. Sales Ask AI helps you streamline this process by recording, transcribing, and analyzing sales conversations. By using our advanced AI, you can gain actionable insights to improve your team’s performance and close more deals.

Sales Ask AI enables you to deliver precise and personalized coaching based on actual sales conversations. By identifying the strengths and weaknesses in each interaction, you can tailor your training programs to address specific areas of improvement. This ensures that your sales reps are always equipped with the best techniques to close more deals, making your training sessions more effective and targeted.
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Increase Close Rates

Our AI-driven insights help your sales reps identify and replicate top-performing strategies, boosting their ability to close more deals effectively.

Eliminate Time-Consuming

Listen to real customer interactions remotely and provide immediate, actionable feedback that your reps can use in their next home visit.

Replicate Top Performers

Allow your team to hear exactly what your top performers are saying during sales calls, enabling them to mimic successful techniques.
With Sales ask reps sell 37% more
Average Project
Size Increase
Avg increase in
close rates
Increased Average
Project Value
Avg time savings for
Sales Leaders
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Case Study

OGC Boosts Revenue by $1.7M using Sales Ask

With a diverse range of renovation services, Ottawa General Contractors needed a way to scale their business and securing more high-value home renovation projects.
Increased sales per rep
Increased contract value
Coaching time saved
Customer Stories

The fastest growing sales teams dominate with Sales Ask.

Real-Time Insights: AI listens, transcribes, and analyzes conversations your sales reps have with clients in the field.
Enhanced Coaching: Get summaries of conversations and create actionable items for your team.
Pitch Scoring: Identify issues with sales pitches and provide feedback to improve closing rates.
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Case Studies

Results from real companies

Parliment Kitchens

"Sales Ask helped grow our average ticket from $17K to $27K in a short time"


Enviro Painting

“I didn't have to worry about doing ride-alongs all day to hit our aggressive targets.”



"We replicated our top performer's closing techniques  saw immediate improvement"


Save Time. Coach Smarter. Win More.

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