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Virtual Ridealongs for Outside Sales

The End of Ridealongs

Coach your reps with virtual ridealongs to increase their sales

Our team's combined conversion rate has jumped from 30% to 47%. I have to give a lot of credit to Sales Ask for that transformation."

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Companies Trust Sales Ask
See Results in Weeks!

The Only Tool You Need to Boost Sales Conversions by 37% Using the Same Resources and Marketing Budget

Transform Your Sales Process — Book a Demo Today!

We're In The Business Of Helping You Grow Your Business

Sales Ask is the all-in-one AI platform that gives you the tools, insights, and support you need to optimize your sales process and exceed your goals.
Record & Transcribe
Our AI seamlessly records your sales conversations, creating accurate transcripts for in-depth analysis
AI-Powered Analysis
Go beyond basic metrics. Our AI identifies patterns in language, tone, and objection handling that reveal what drives success.
Targeted Coaching
Get data-backed coaching recommendations, ditch the guesswork. Train new reps faster and help experienced ones refine their skills.
Avg increase in close rates.
Avg increase in ticket price.
Avg time savings for Sales Leaders.

Gain 100% Visibility into Every Sales Conversation

Virtual ridealongs give you recordings, transcriptions, summaries, and analytics from every sales visit. Review them, make comments, create highlights, and more
"Ride-alongs wasted my time.  With SalesAsk, I can coach 3x as many reps in the same day. Our sales are up 20% since we started using it."
User rating
Nick Karrandjas
Sales Lead, OGC
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Save Time and Coach 8x Faster

Sales managers who coach with Sales Ask's AI are 8x faster and 20x more efficient. Give all your reps feedback every day. And allow your managers to coach 2x the number of reps.
"I used to guess why we lost bids. SalesAsk shows me the exact calls where deals go south. We've fixed our pitch and boosted our close rate by 15%."
User rating
Meshal Alsham
Owner, Enviro Painting

Coach from anywhere.

With Sales Ask, you can coach from anywhere. Your sales managers no longer need to live in a plane. They can coach all your reps right from their home or office.
"New hire training used to take forever. With SalesAsk, I cut that time in half. My new guys are hitting their targets way faster."
User rating
Chris McClelland
Owner, Parliament Kitchens
Dashboard mockup

See Results in 21 days

Stop guessing why your sales reps aren't hitting their targets. With Sales Ask, you can review their client calls and coach them online for maximum performance.
Sales Managers Empowered
Sales Conversations Analyzed
Sales Reps Coached
Customer Retention Rate

Your Questions Answered

Is it legal to record conversations with clients?
While recording laws vary, in most locations it's legal to record client conversations for training and quality control purposes.  However, a few locations have stricter "two-party consent" laws requiring you to notify the client before recording begins.  

How will my sales reps react to being recorded?
It's normal for reps to have some initial hesitation. However, with Sales Ask, the focus is on self-improvement and team development, not micromanagement.  
Here's what typically happens:

Top Performers: May be skeptical at first, but quickly become converts once they see how it helps them refine their pitch even further and how they can show off their skills to the team.

Mid-Level Reps: May have some concerns, but these often fade as they see the targeted coaching benefits.

New Reps: Tend to be most receptive, as Sales Ask helps them learn the ropes quickly.

Within a short time, most reps come to see Sales Ask as a valuable learning tool that helps them close more deals.
How does the AI work for trades sales?
Sales Ask's AI is designed to analyze the specific challenges faced by trades businesses. Here's how it works:

We Learn Your Process:
Whether you have a defined sales script or not, we analyze your team's successful calls to identify the patterns that lead to wins.

Custom Insights: The AI generates insights tailored to your company, focusing on the questions, objections, and communication techniques that impact your close rate.

Easy Coaching: Sales Ask makes it simple to provide targeted feedback to individual reps, driving improvement across your team.
How long does setup take?
Sales Ask is designed to be up and running quickly. Most of our customers are fully set up in under two hours. 

Book a Demo to see how easy it is!
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Case Study

OGC Boosts Revenue by $1.7M using Sales Ask

With a diverse range of renovation services, Ottawa General Contractors needed a way to scale their business and securing more high-value home renovation projects.
Increased sales per rep
Increased contract value
Coaching time saved

Don’t just take our word for it

Hear from some of our amazing customers who are building faster.

" Being able to pinpoint the exact moments where reps were losing deals was a game-changer. We replicated our top performer's closing techniques on home additions and saw immediate improvement. "

Nick Karrandjas
Sales Lead, OGC

“ I didn't have to worry about doing ride-alongs all day to hit our aggressive targets. ”

Meshal Alsham
Owner, Enviro Painting

" Sales Ask helped grow our average ticket from $17K to $27K. It showed us how to sell the transformation and value of a Parliament Kitchen, not just the product itself. "

Chris McClelland
Owner, Parliment Millwork

" Sales Ask has transformed our sales coaching process. I can now review 15-25 pitches daily as if I was right there with my reps. The AI transcriptions flag objections and critical points, making it easy to coach effectively. "

Abe Nafar
Owner, GTAGC

" Sales Ask is a game-changer for training and managing our sales team. It provides comprehensive insights and helps us maintain quality control, ticking all the boxes we need to succeed. "

Sales Director, Boreal

" The AI scoring and feedback from Sales Ask have been instrumental in enhancing our sales pitches. It's like having a personal coach for every rep, improving their skills consistently. "

Ali N.
Owner, Ontario Commercial Doors

" Sales Ask's ability to analyze and provide actionable insights from our sales conversations has significantly boosted our team's performance. We are closing more deals than ever before. "

Siavosh N.
Owner, Empire Deck