Ride Alongs

We help you make +37% more sales through
virtual ride alongs and our AI powered sales tools.

Our sales and service revenues jumped by 17% in the first month!"
James - Tacoma

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5-star rating
from 200+ reviews

How it Works

Reps records client convos with our mobile app. Our AI generates inights. You use insight and AI tools to coach your team.

Record, Analyze, Improve

SalesAsk records your in person sales conversations, transcribes them to texts and analyzes them.

Summaries & Action items

Sales convos are then summarized and action items created with AI.  

AI Scoring & Feedback  

Our AI will score your sales reps pitch and give feedback to help them close.

Virtual Coaching

You can listen to sales convos, comment, search, and coach your reps virtually via our mobile app.
Companies Trust Sales Ask

Real stories, Proven results.

Boost close rates, streamline training, and grow your business.
We added 100k a month in builds because I was able to coach our reps using Sales Ask.
Nick Karrandjas
Sales Lead, Ottawa General Contractors
Sales Ask helped grow our average ticket from $17,000 to $27,000 - a whopping 37%!
Chris, McClelland
Owner, Parliament Kitchens
I didn’t have to worry about doing ride alongs all day to hit our aggressive targets
Meshal Alsham
Owner, Enviro Painting

Know what’s wrong,
and how to fix it.

Virtual ride alongs let you coach 10X better by seeing exactly why clients are not buying and having the tools to solve it.
"I had no time to do ride alongs before Sales Ask… our sales have jumped 17% in the last month"
User rating
Nick Karrandjas
Sales Lead, OGC
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Our AI will coach 100% of your teams meetings.

Our AI will learn your process to ensure reps are following it and then coach  them on it when you are not available.
"Reps are able to improve on their own by just listening to the AI coach"
User rating
John Kingsman
Service Manager, Tailermade HVAC

Get Insights that can win the game.

Our AI will tell you which meetings are likely to close (or not close) accross your entire team. Plus 100X more insights on anything you want to know.
"I hated waisting time figuring out where to coach… it’s like magic telling me where guys are messing up"
User rating
Ronald Salem
Johnston & Co Roofing
Dashboard mockup
Have questions about privacy, adoption, AI?
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OGC Boosts Revenue by $1.7M using Sales Ask

With a diverse range of renovation services, Ottawa General Contractors needed a way to scale their business and securing more high-value home renovation projects.
Avg Project
Size Increase
Avg increase in close rates
Coaching time saved

Clients saw a 25% increase in sales

Stop guessing why your sales reps aren't hitting their targets. With Sales Ask, you can review their client calls and coach them online for maximum performance.

Median revenue growth
Increase in close rates
Lift in ticket size

See Sales Ask in Action

Watch our product video to get an exclusive look at Sales Ask's powerful features and how they can transform your business.

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Coach Smarter. Win More.

Get Results in 21 Days. Book Your Demo now!